Lifestyle 5 series I and II
The LS5 and LS5 series II system includes: one
CD5, CD5V or CD5V2 (single disc CD player) music center,
one RC-5 remote control, one AM5P series I, AM5P series II, or AM5P series III
bass modules (shown below)
and two dual cube satellite speakers
CD5, CD5V, or CD5V2
AM-5 series I or II (2683)
AM-5 series II and III
We have parts in stock to repair the bass module,
RC-5 remote
and all the CD-5 music centers.
We don't have any parts for the satellite cube speakers.
Norbern Electronics Inc. 6735 Earl Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Phone: 719-550-5810, E-mail: Web: